The Town of Morrisville has regulations that all businesses have to follow. Right? Well, there some scuttlebutt that the yet to be constructed Park West Village may get yet another exception to the rules. The Town’s sign ordinance clearly states that “Off-premises signs are not permitted.” The regulation makes sense. Otherwise retailers could have its signs on other properties they own, or rent space from other land owners. But it is understood that Park West wants an exception.
The Moondog has heard that a potential tenant (Target) seeks a sign on Morrisville Parkway. However, Park West Village is not located on this road. Rather than combine the land parcel where the sign would be with its development, it is said that Park West would rather the Town "just allow it" to have the off-premises sign. Combining the land parcels would require a zoning change and public hearing. It would be easier to avoid all that and have the Town simply authorize the “unauthorized sign” on Morrisville Parkway.
The problem would be that all other retailers have to follow the same rules. Remember the small statue that “Morrisville Pizzeria” had on its sidewalk a few years ago? It violated Morrisville’s off-premises sign ordinance. The Town was unforgiving in its enforcement of the regulations. A daily summons and fine was imposed on the small business. What about Park West? Well let’s see what happens.
This news originally reported on the website: ‘Tis About Morrisvlle
The Moondog has heard that a potential tenant (Target) seeks a sign on Morrisville Parkway. However, Park West Village is not located on this road. Rather than combine the land parcel where the sign would be with its development, it is said that Park West would rather the Town "just allow it" to have the off-premises sign. Combining the land parcels would require a zoning change and public hearing. It would be easier to avoid all that and have the Town simply authorize the “unauthorized sign” on Morrisville Parkway.
The problem would be that all other retailers have to follow the same rules. Remember the small statue that “Morrisville Pizzeria” had on its sidewalk a few years ago? It violated Morrisville’s off-premises sign ordinance. The Town was unforgiving in its enforcement of the regulations. A daily summons and fine was imposed on the small business. What about Park West? Well let’s see what happens.
This news originally reported on the website: ‘Tis About Morrisvlle
which council members are in favor of this?
Since there has been no "official" statements or vote, I don't think one can say where each Council Member stands on this issue. Also, it is believed that the goal is get an "okay" from the Town staff and not have to go to the Council.
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